MICHAŁ GOLUBIEWSKI OP, The “Necessity of Sacraments” in St. Thomas Aquinas

Tom XXIII: 2017

Filozofia — Teologia— Kultura duchowa średniowiecza
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


The article provides a summary of St. Thomas’ views on necessity in general and presents their application to the sacraments. Aquinas considers the necessity of the sacraments either “from the side of God” (ex parte Dei) or ”from the side of human beings” (ex parte hominis). In the first case, there is a conditional necessity presupposing God’s choice and wisdom (which is why the word “suitability” (convenientia) is often preferred). In the case of human beings, the necessity of sacraments is also conditional, presupposing their aim, which is human salvation. The article also presents the differences between sacraments in this regard (underlining the special status of baptism) and contains some remarks about posterior theology and the teachings of the Church on the topic.