WANDA BAJOR, MIROSŁAW SOCAŁA SDS, Critical Edition of the Glossa in Politicam (Liber III) Pauli de Worczyn

Volume XXVI: 2020

Philosophy — Theology — Spiritual culture of the Middle Ages
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


The final phase of the assimilation of Aristotle’s philosophy in Western Europe focused on part of his practical philosophy, namely the Politics and Economics. It is believed that the most influential commentaries were those of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas (with Peter of Auvergne) whose political theory formed the basis for subsequent commentators on Aristotle’s Politics. The current article demonstrates a continuation of research on these issues in the field of the Polish medieval intellectual culture and also presents a third book of the commentary of one the most eminent Cracovian mediaeval thinkers, Paul of Worczyn. His views are an example of Polish medieval philosophy which is characterized by a pragmatism focused on ethics, politics, and economics. This peripatetic tradition played a great role in shaping Polish political theory.